27 January: Hypocrisy Day, not just a day of remembrance

Like every 27 January, this year again there is no shortage of voices expressing compassion, indignation, horror and mourning in memory of the dead caused by the Shoah from 1933 to 1945. Voices outraged, moved, ethically touched; coming from the most authoritative intellectuals and politicians largely idols of the moralising salons of the European left. Voices broken with emotion, swollen with tears, upright in their repudiation of the tragic Nazi extermination and as supportive of the Jewish cause as ever with the worn-out cry: “Never again!”
All this on 27 January; from the 28th, finally cleaned up, these figures will be able to put the hijab back on and continue to indignantly condemn the ‘inhuman’ reaction of the people of Israel and at the same time ‘contextualise’ the actions of Hamas following the events of 7 October 2023.
But what could have happened on that 7 October? What barbaric crimes did the brutal terrorist forces of the State of Israel commit against the defenceless democrats of Hamas to outrage Western public squares to such an extent that they called for overtly Pro-Hamas demonstrations, even gaining the tacit acquiescence of the global Left? None of this, on 7 October 2023, Hamas jihadist terrorists launched a brutal multiple attack on the internationally recognised territory of the State of Israel, killing 1224 Israeli citizens, 880 of them civilians, and kidnapping some 250. (For more details, read here: Israel and Palestine: a guide for the uninitiated).
The following day, a picture was published on social media showing the then Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah, Hamas deputy leader al-Arouri, and Islamic Jihad leader Ziad Nakhle. The declared subject of the discussion was certainly not the birth of the Palestinian state, a solution mocked by the three Hitler wannabes, but ‘the cleansing of the Holy Land from the presence of Jewish pigs‘. They were praising the holy war aimed at the annihilation of the Zionist entity by Islam.
From the first hours after the attack, the same globalist intelligentsia that despairs while watching Schindler’s list called for a ‘tempered’ response from Israel, framing Hamas’s actions as patriotic regurgitation after 56 years of Zionist oppression of the ‘Palestinian cause’, without ever mentioning the terrorist attack or considering that all territorial normalisation agreements proposed by Israel have always been rejected by the Palestinians.
The squares of Europe began to fill up with ‘Free Palestine’ processions animated by the most hypocritical acronyms, such as the transfeminists of Nonunadimeno, who fight against all gender violence except the rapes perpetrated (and documented) by Palestinian terrorists on women in Gaza; or those of the ‘lgbtq for Hamas’ movements, which do not tolerate homo-transphobia other than that of the Arab fundamentalist terrorists who, adhering to Sharia law, stone sodomites to death in the public square; and many other movements in the woke galaxy for whom freedom is not a problem as long as it is deprived of it by others.
The protest did not stop at folkloric squares, finding fertile ground in the world’s most prestigious universities such as the now infected American campuses of Harvard and Columbia University, where anti-Zionist pickets and ethnic violence were witnessed, but also in the most prestigious European universities such as the State University of Madrid, the Polytechnic University of Amsterdam, La Sapienza in Rome.
The squares of universities have been ablaze for months with cries of ‘Hamas makes us proud‘, ‘students with Hamas’, ‘Jews back to Poland’, even going so far as to demonstrate open violence and blatant discrimination that, according to Eunews, 9 out of 10 Jews in the EU feel under attack .
All this, with the most treacherous support of the same Rectors who on 27 January despair over the past holocaust and in the following 364 days of the year fetidly downplay anti-Jewish hatred with statements such as that of Pennsylvanya University Rector Liz Magill according to whom “invoking the genocide of the Jews is not in itself violence”; or with actions such as the widespread boycott by Italian universities against Israeli ones.
Not only students and abject demonstrators, in Italy aided and abetted in the streets by, among others, the agitators behind the assault on the CGIL, who have little to do with the slogan ‘Free Palestine’; writers, philosophers, journalists, politicians, and international organisations also fail to avoid reading events with a double standard, shamelessly unfavourable to Jews, not only Israelis.
The progressive elite is neglectful of the welding of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism that has resulted in a worldwide re-emergence of Judeophobia, which makes current sentiments that were hoped to be dismissed as ‘racial hatred’ and ‘Jewish discrimination’.
Too attracted to taking refuge behind the historical ‘hierarchy of oppressors’ that sees Zionists as the eternal executioners and ancestrally justifies the violence of others. The globalist intellectual does not conceive of the reactive, armed, technologically advanced and patriotic Jew in the same way that the nationalist did not conceive of the banker and businessman Jew in the 1930s. All this while in the squares, in the cities, in the airports (see: Dagestan 29 October 2023), a kristallnacht atmosphere is again in the air.
At the same time, like every 27 January, hypocrisy is aired. However, instead of feeble commemorations this year, we Europeans must cry shame! If we really want to worthily support Israel as a legitimate democratic force, the Jewish people in their freedom of religion, and the Palestinian population oppressed by terrorism, we cannot but break down the double standard that poisons our public opinion.
It is time to be ashamed of the sterile re-evocations that mask our silent complicity in contemporary anti-Semitism masquerading as anti-Zionism, and to make our voices heard! Because Europe, the theatre of the holocaust, cannot forget while pretending to mourn.